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Words from our very own Physio

Richard Graham 

Physio: Welcome

As a club we have an obligation as players to prevent injury wherever possible to those we come into contact with in what is, paradoxically, a physically competitive arena.

It is equally important that we  keep an eye on new members, who may be particularly vulnerable to injury due to other factors such as their own lack of physical preparedness, over enthusiasm to impress, or lack of knowledge of the differences between walking football and five a side football.

Hamstring problems in particular threaten seasoned campaigners and newcomers alike. The heel strike rule that is a favoured determinant of walking, as opposed to running, exposes the hamstrings to immense strain, especially when lengthening stride and creates  specific risks of injury through overstretching. So make sure your Hamstrings are toned and stretched regularly in preparation for playing. Research the role of the hamstrings on the Internet. They are our 'brakes 'and keep an eye out for any player (including yourself) who is complaining of a twinge in the back of the leg. Playing on after a minor injury that might take a few weeks to heal can result in an injury that may never heal. 

Hamstring injuries can take a year to heal in the over 60s and sometimes never if they are not treated cautiously.

Anyone with a strained muscle injury should stop playing. Seek attention. Learn about RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation) and healing times etc. Be gentle on yourselves during injury.

Muscles take up to 6 weeks. Ligaments up to 3 months and tendons up to a year.


So look after yourselves. Do not  play through injury and watch those newcomers.


Professor Richard Graham (AFHEA, AcM)

(Richard Graham is qualified physiotherapist and offers voluntary consultations to Club members. There is no charge for this but a £15 donation to the Club funds is requested for each appointment.

Physio: Text
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